I often see many questions by people (mostly self-learners) newly coming into this grossing field that "how can we start to learn Machine Learning?", "what is the best machine learning curriculum for Beginners? "or "What is the curriculum that every self-learner must follow?".
I already created a separate post for how can I learn machine learning? and this is the post for the second question i.e. what is the curriculum of machine learning for self-learners?
There are plenty of curriculums already made over the internet but I connected with various data scientists in my connections having rich experience in this field.
So after summing up all of the discussion. I am creating this curriculum for you. You can follow that in order to master machine learning.
Note: This covers only Machine Learning, not deep learning
I have divided the curriculum into three levels.
According to your level of expertise, you can iterate between different levels accordingly.
I am specifying a high-level curriculum for Level 1 and Level 2. As it is the prerequisites required for learning machine learning.
The first level involves learning mathematics.
Learning Mathematics:
If you are wondering where to learn. Please follow:
How to Learn Machine Learning Quickly � A Great Roadmap
The second level involves learning Data Science.
Machine Learning Curriculum
References: [SciKit Learn Documentation]
I will post the series of Intuitions and Jupyter notebooks in upcoming posts using the prefix "ML-Series" or you can also find them by looking into the category "Machine Learning Series". Stay Tuned for more updates.
If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to drop a comment below.
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